Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day.....lost count of break.


I've lost count of what day of break already.
I've been stalking a few people in facebook.
Read their comments, status updates and purposely do something that pisses me off.

Humans makes me wonder about a lot of stuff like:

1. Be friends of people you ignored once we're not in talking terms anymore.

2. Keep a straight face infront of everyone, after you lie and lie alot.

3. I also wonder why would I even care about it to begin with!

Today, I woke up in the morning to send Momogi and uncle to the airport. Uncle asked if i was an Indo again. Lol. I honestly don't know what to talk to uncle while I was driving them to the airport. Then, I went to Uni, to sort out my enrolment stuff and man I feel pretty guilty. The old lady was practically running inside out the office because of me. But in the end it all works out okay, I'm enrolled to Construction and Building Costs unit and I would only be doing 3 units next semester. Woohuuu!!! After everything's done, I went home and slept til 2pm and went to Bali for lunch, the best cheap lunch place ever!!!! Around 3pm, we went to pick Rin Rin up from school and went straight to city to do a bit of shopping.

Last night we made dinner and it was nice! *will upload pics later*

Later days,
Double Zee.

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