Thursday, June 18, 2009

Don't You Think It's Time....


We went to Mudaring tonight. It tooked us around 20 - 30 minutes from Jon's house and as usual, there were a lot of people but then again we help ourselves to unfold the tables. The pizza dessert was so nice, the mudhoney! and I don't really like the apple and cinnamon, I ate only the apples and gave the others to Jon. *Thank you for finishing my dessert* I think Jon ordered it because it's apple and cinnamon. haha. While we were waiting for the pizzas to come a song that I'm quite addicted to these days played and it's like the song is played where ever I go.
Don't you think it's time
Time to start anew
Time for changing views
Time for making up your mind

Don't you think it's time
Time for moving on
Time for growing strong
Time to leave the past behind

You've been on my mind
Oh you've been on my mind
You've been on my mind
Oh you've been on my mind

Don't you think it's time
Time for quelling fear
Time for a new year
Time for meaning what you say

Don't you think it's time
Time for easing doubt
Time for reaching out
Time to open up your eyes

You've been on my mind
Oh you've been on my mind
You've been on my mind
Oh you've been on my mind

Don't you think it's time
Time for trusting more
Without keeping score
Time to let forgiveness out

Don't you think it's time
Time for showing grace
Time for having faith
Time to make more of this time

You've been on my mind
Oh you've been on my mind
You've been on my mind
Oh you've been on my mind

I don't think I can take this holiday, I know by this time next week I'll be back in Kuching. I could probably be in bed sleeping, or out with my friends, or in the TV room watching those long long dramas til I look like a panda the next day.

I also don't like facebook nowadays, it's so damn bored! It makes me....hmmmm out of words. and Oh! Now I know what I want to eat when I reach Kuching:
1. Rojak Buah
2. Hainanese Four Points
3. Mdm. Tangs Laksa
4. Mom's random food menu

The people are planning to eat at:
1. Bella Itallia
2. Hartz *i know of all the places, eating at hartz kinda random doe!*
3. BBQ
4. Steamboat
5. MP pizza
6. Ayam penyet

Anyways, talking about the people, I am referring to the people here. The usual people that we always hang out with. All of us are going back and we've already plan on what all of us wants to do. Earlier on our way back home, I said something that our lives right now are like the TV series..I guess everyone knows which one:
Everyday we would see each other, everyday we would play as soon as Jon finished his work. Almost everyday we would be loud til midnight or almost midnight. Sometimes I think, that one day the police would come knocking on this house to ask us all to SHUT UP at this hour. But then, I like it. Even if all of us go our separate ways in the future, I think that we are going to be friends for life, eventhough we won't be seeing each other everyday.

Right now almost most of us are free, Dya and Haziq are playing the board game - "who wants to be a millionaire" It's quite funny looking at them and listening to them playing, it made the house more alive at 2.30am.

I think I've been craping to much and I also think that my brain is dead slow nowadays and we're going to the city again tomorrow.

Later days,
Double Zee.

2 What Say You?:

Anonymous said...

u must b sum kindda "rich ppl" daughter tat can afford studying abroad..

Zsa Zsa said...

Yes, rich with love.

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