Saturday, June 27, 2009

The's smokin' missing you.

Greeting Earthlings,

It's hot! it's hot! it's hot!

Seriously, Kuching is so hot. I miss the winter, I regret the day I complained about the weather in Perth being too cold. Now I know that the weather can never be too cold. Parents went to KL to send mimi, who is entering university next monday. After that, they are going straight to Umra' for two or three weeks.

Today (Saturday), Aen graduated and we went to The eatery @ Four Points to celebrate it. We sat there for about 3 hours, the food was nice. Seriously nice because I ate four kinds of dishes, til I can't even move after I had the
"Brunch-Tea" *Breakfast, Lunch & Hi-tea* after that I couldn't stop burping. It's 11.32pm and I'm still full. That is how nice the food was. Hehe.

Last night, I went to meet up with Haziq and Faiz at Am junction. This part of the day, I'll let the pictures do the talking :

I guess that's all from me.

Later days,
Double Zee.

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