Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What Am I To Do?


Im bored! Seriously, I'm back in Kuching. Don't know what else to do. Need something to do man!
It was my grandfather's *my mom's side* birthday, while I was enjoying my dinner it reminded me of my cousin's who are still in Perth. Then, I thought to myself, "what did they have for dinner?" haha. I know sounds like I worry too much and they are all grown up and they can even take care of themselves. hehehe.

I did went out today with Abu and then he sent me to Nek peh's house. When I stepped foot in the house, there were bullets of questions asking me who the guy was and so, I answered truthfully.

2 What Say You?:

wannnn said...

welcome back! will catch up with u someday. now gik bz gilak :P

Zsa Zsa said...

sure thing!

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