Friday, July 24, 2009

After everything's done, I'm left with nothing.

People say that life is unfair, I do agree to the fullest. What and however you try to do something to get it, to give it a shot at something, in the end, what's not meant to be won't happen no matter what. Therefore, I am relax, I am chill, I am okay with how it but at times it does make me feel sad. Probably no one knows what I'm trying to say, but this issue is a general issue...i think.....This is also the reason why I never wait for people. It's like waiting for the moon to drop and that would be never or in a veryy long period of time then it probably would happen. I won't say that I'm a nice person, I won't admit that I deserve anything better or good but at least, give me something that I seriously waited or tolerate or worked for. That's all I want, just give me that. Then again, what can I do if things doesn't go the way I expect it to be. Here's a question: Can chemistry between two people disappear?

Later days,
Double Zee.

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