Tuesday, July 21, 2009

boredom kills.

I really regret that I came back to Perth way to early. My classes starts next week, within that time, what am I to do? I'm out of things to do. I'm out of ideas. Please God, give me something to do. I also think that I should be looking for a job, any job because I need the extra cash. The currency is sky rocketing and it's killing me man. How could you currency? You're never in my shoes so you don't know how much money I need. But I would never want to depend on a guy to support my life. So, I think I need to learn how to earn money on my own rather than asking money from my father.

I also feel that the feeling is gone. Maybe I've gotten to tired of it and I feel that it would never be how I thought it would be. Or maybe that I've made a mistake of saying what I've said and cause him to draws back. Argh, when will everything be alright? when will everything shows? I need to know all the cards. I guess I should just sit back, relax and just follow the flow. Then again, how can I lose something that's never mine? So, I don't think I would care much.

Later days,
Double Zee.

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