Saturday, September 5, 2009

I guess it's me.

To improve yourself, you have to admit that you have problems. So here's my problem:

1. Once my instinct says that it's never gonna happen. I freaked out.
2. I would try to get a grip so that it won't happen.
3. Trying so hard not to let go, in the end it gets tiring for everyone to comprehend.
4. Once it's over, i would make sure it's over for sure and never gonna come back. That is how i make sure i won't get hurt by the same person twice.

So i guess im the troubled one, probably i just don't really need anyone..... i'm fine like this.

i went back to kuching last week or so, to get my own space, to get myself back, to be happy and to think straight again. and i did. It so very impossible that the feeling disappear completely but hope it's gonna disappear soon. that was my birthday wish. *lets hope it'll come true*

Later days,
Double Zee

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