Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life As It Is....

It's pretty awkward. I didn't know that it would be too awkward but hey, I made a decision based on what I need for myself. So, I can't really say that I regret anything about it and I am doing this back to how I used to be where.....I will try to not regret about the decisions that I made in life.

On the bright side;
I've started to be more organized again to keep myself on track.
I'm trying to improve myself in so many ways. JUST FOR MYSELF.
I'm not giving a fuck about what other thinks anymore.



From my experience I want to post

"Guide to Forget Everything in Two Weeks & How to Get Yourself Back"

Corny oh? but what the eff? who really cares?

Later days,
Double Zee.

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