Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day One Of Turning Everything Around

Bought stuff that I needed today. Actually, i dont really need it. but i do need the book. A book.

So, day 1
Watch movies with your movie partner and so, today I watched two movies, I could go on til night but I was kinda tired after the second movie.

The first movie I watched was ASTRO BOY.

He was actually the son of a genius scientist and he's genius too. But he didn't listen to his father and died. haha. Then, his father created a robot who looks like his son and have memories of his son. Anyways, this movie is about finding your purpose in life.

Second movie I watched would be FAME. It has been awhile in the cinemas but i just had time to watch it today.

This movie is about how students are coping with their university life in order to pursue their dreams. The choices, decisions, friends, relationships, what students are going through before getting out into the real world and the harsh reality of life. It's good though.

So tomorrow would be getting into work thing. So cherrios.

Later days,

Double Zee.

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