Friday, October 16, 2009

Day Two Of Turning Everything Around

Yes, at times I still reminisce de old times. But hey, life must go on right? So this is what I did today.
I was supposed to wake up morning and clean my room but i overslept, woke up around noon. I went out for lunch with Imping, Haziq, and Apis at Bali. *SUPER CHEAP LUNCH BOX* We sort of hanged out there for quite awhile then, went to Bentley to buy some stuff. I went to IGA while the guys hanged out at Deli. Gentlemen right? leaving me alone carrying all those groceries. lol. Then I joined them. We talked about lots of stuff today. Huu... here's what i learn from them:
1. if a guy can get a girl easily, they are legend, they are cool!
2. if a girl can get a guy easily as in lots of guys, they are cheap!
There I thought, where's the fairness in that?
And tonight we went to Uni for Pasar Malam. Yes! It's that time of year again. There was alot of people and a few hot! cute! people! lol. I ate Ramli Burger! huhu! I went there with Azri, Deska, Imping and Ninoy and met up with Aen, Rin, Naz, Shahzy, Nurjas and bumped into Kak Iz & Nekcik Nor there. Ate Ramli burger with teh tarik! whuhh!!!! Then went back home and I feel like sleeping now. Lol.
Oh. dad called and he asked me to come home for summer. but i said no. im going to work for next semester. and i told him that i sort of got interview for the job thing but im not asking for permission from him for me to work. Call me disrespectful, but i need to find my own cash for me to live here.
Later days,
Double Zee.

2 What Say You?:

~nuTt*~ said...

I quote, "1. if a guy can get a girl easily, they are legend, they are cool!
2. if a girl can get a guy easily as in lots of guys, they are cheap!
There I thought, where's the fairness in that?"
~ Legend my ass, lol. A guy getting many girls easily is what we can call a man-whore! ahhaha! Babe, there are so many things that people may say about the other, but honestly saying, never let what other people say about us affect us. You are what you believe in, and if you think you're doing things for the best, then no matter how other people judge it, you know that you're on the right track. Freakin' missing you in this crap hole we call home. kiss kiss~ :)

Zsa Zsa said...

haha chill nutt. i was the only girl with 3 guys having lunch, listening to guy's conversation. lol. and that is what i learn from them. their kind of minds. lol. of course i dont really care about all those stuff. i just called them sexist. lol.

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