Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Am I that bored? I've been looking for universities, courses and scholarships. I am somehow planning on doing my masters. I've realized a week or two before that I would probably never going to continue my studies once I start working. Probably it's better if I can just finish a one year master program, and that would leave me one more step on doing PhD. Woohuu?? Scholarships is bcoz trying to see if i can continue with my own effort. lol.

Here's the other thing, I planned on working in Perth, get a PR there and then, I can bring my siblings when they want to continue their studies. But it's like there have been a slight change of plans? which move is the correct move? Gahh!!

Later days,
Double Zee.

P/S: And oh, there were an attempt to break into my house. Thank God for installing CCTv!!

1 What Say You?:

BEN said...

'Here's the other thing, I planned on working in Perth, get a PR there and then, I can bring my siblings when they want to continue their studies. But it's like there have been a slight change of plans? which move is the correct move? Gahh!!'
good idea there~

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