Sunday, December 20, 2009

Have you ever felt like you're living a lie? Your daily life, it's all a lie. People around you, pretend to be nice and normal and all but actually it's all a lie. A BIG FAT LIE.

They say, we pretend, we're doing this and this and whatever it is. But in fact, they are the one who are doing so. Is that even fair? When they blabs about all those blablabla. I will pay you back in the future, so that I don't owe you anything. You can shut your yaps! I told my dad that i want to see a therapist but he asked me if i'm a muslim. Of course, being me I answered back, "yes i am, but what does that got to do with seeing a therapist and is it forbidden for muslim to see a therapist", and he just kept quiet. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful or anything, it's just that, he didn't go through life like i did. he doesn't see how much i need it.

later days,
double zee.

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