Tuesday, April 27, 2010

by Nadya Zainal.
She who appeared last sunday night infront of our door step.

Today, we went for a picnic at Walter Point Reserve and it was fun. After the very sun already sets picnic, we went for a karaokeeee!!! at Myaree. That was fun! There was Dya, Aqis, Mimi, Leo, Inin, Faiz, Aen, Haziq, Nisa, Nora, Chen chen, Azri, Deska, Shahzy (uncle), & me (I hope I's mentioned everyone here...)

But somehow at the end of the day, I'm not in the mood.

2 What Say You?:

mr_abs said...

haa, gine tok. happy2 pegi picnic tp sekda mood? hehe :P

Zsa Zsa said...

hujong hari nyaa~~ lol.

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