Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's the date?

What's the day?
How you doing?
How've you been?
Where I'm going?
What am I doing?
What's the plan?

Believe it or not, I'm getting ready to leave this place. It's starting to get dark around 5pm nowadays and the weather is super duper uberly cold. For the first time last night, I was really cold. I never really blog about how my life is nowadays, I think it's because I'm a sinking ship.

oh the sound of my tummy growling asking me to feed it.

I'm getting ready to leave this place but I'm not sure where I should go. Perth, it is the place I call home for the past 5/6 years. It's been fun, sad, depressing, full of dramas, adventures, exploring and growing up. It's the place I grew up, to face the harshness reality of life that changed me into who I am today. I'm not being philosophical or righteous or whatever shit it is you readers might think.

This is home, I will miss the late night going out doing random stuff, the easiness of grabbing some food, the drive thru that makes my life way easier than showing my face at the counter of McD, the people in the city doesn't look at you from head to toe and just walking on the face of the earth like it's nobody's business.

Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to get out from Kuching. Don't get me wrong, Kuching is still home, it's the place I was brought up and I can't compare it to anywhere I am. Now that I'm about to go back to Kuching for good, it's a problem for me. It makes me worry, it's making me worry whether I'm doing the right thing because I know that with all my heart, I do not want to go back to Kuching. For starters, I don't forget where I come from, I do remember, clearly. It's just that I don't think I'm that free compare to where I am now. Back in Kuching, I would always be bound by something, some rules, something that holds me back from being my own state and I don't like it.

I guess, I should have expect it to happen. Expect that once I'm done studying, I'll be going back to Kuching:
  1. Where the secondary school kids mostly nowadays looks like sluts and thinks whoring is cool. Serious fuck kids, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Too much influence by the TV?
  2. The fast car drivers drive on the left lane and the slow cars drive on the right lane.
  3. Where the drivers doesn't even know how to give signal lights when they want to turn into a corner or change lanes.
  4. Where politically, they are all screwed!!!
  5. Where the Economy is dominated by one person!
  6. Where people talks about you even if you don't know them.
  7. Where you get criticized by the things you do, even if you do not know them.
  8. Where everyone knows everyone!
  9. Where the food is cheap and nice!
  10. Where people wears fur jacket in town and Kuching doesn't even have 4 seasons *they got the hotel though*
  11. Where the most go-to-place is The Spring!
  12. outside.jpg
  13. Where you can go almost everywhere in 15 mins!! The airport? Town center? some place takes 5 minutes to go to~
  14. Where the cool people are always the hip and trendy and screams all around wherever they are. talk about standards, they also call each other KEK! wtf right?
The list goes on because no matter where I go, Kuching would still be home and I will miss it forever, wherever I'll end up.

Later days, peeps.

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