Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's been awhile since I last update my blog with PICTURES!!!!

Monday, I went volunteering at the Hollywood hospital again, I didn't get to see my hot doctor *my??* But Aletta fell and twisted her ankle or something, I'm not quite sure.

Oh! Sunday Night!!! I went to Vampire Weekend's concert, it was awesome but let me just say,
Dumb fucks! ten of us were outside in the cold waiting for you guys to come out and you guys *except for the keyboardist* didn't even have the initiative to come out and give us your autographs and take a few pictures with us!
Without your fans, you are nothing! i tell you, NOTHING!! For fucksakes, it was your last show, and there was only 10 of us, outside waiting for you. It's not like there's a 100 couple millions of us outside. And trust if, if there's a couple million people going to watch your show, you won't be performing at Metro City, YOU would be somewhere at Challenge Stadium or Burswood Dome! Pishh!!
But I did take pictures with Cloud Control, just because the tall guy and the lady was so nice and the lead singer was kinda a typical guy who's only looking for a groupie for him to have a one night stand with.

Back to reality....I mean today....
I went to the most boring lecture today. I mean out of all the lectures I've been to, the whole semester, today would be the most pointless lecture ever. And I was quite sleepy, so I record it. I hope I can listen to it some other time.

For dinner, we went to Little Caesars! *It's so nice! It's so tasty! Every bite is Yummy and they stop the growly.*

and for dessert, I ordered Cookies & Cream..

Ain't that nice and sinfully mine!!
Tonight's been pretty full-filling. rofl.LAME.
Later days...

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