Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hey Hey Hey.

It's December. How time flies. Last year, I was back in Kuching just for the holidays. Now I am back in Kuching for good. *still i hope not* I really hope some or any place would just call me for a job interview or something. I really am getting bored of doing nothing from day to day.

Oh!! the wedding would be in a week plus time. Wow! that was fast, I wonder how the bride and groom feels? Hee Hee Hee.

I have lost a couple of kilos. woot woo! and I should be going to the gym everyday this week but I am just so lazy yesterday. Anyways, Dya starts working tomorrow, that's what I heard but I am not so sure because I have not seen her for quite awhile now. Lol.

I am sick. I hate flu. I hate sore throat. I still got insomnia. aieshhh.

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