Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Perth Royal Show 2007

This post was supposed to be posted last err Sunday Night, but i was too tired and too lazy to do so~

Last Sunday we went to Perth Royal Show, Ee parked the car at Dd's house, we went in for a while and Ampeh was on the couch bed(somethg lahh-my english sucks baa!) fold out bed? hah~~ whatever~ anyways, then we walked to the show ground....Every year i would look forward to go to Perth Royal Show.

Ehhh!!! Chotto Matte-o! Before we went to the Perth Royal Show, we went to see something that even i don't believe that it could the middle of the parking lot.

there's no one inside! (jeng jeng jeng)

Back to Perth Royal Show, considering that it's fasting month! wuhuu sik lamak gk raya! anyways, we went to look for food first, to break our fast (btol ka? sungkey bahh!) This year's guest country is Indonesia. So, there's a lot of Indonesian Food Stall...Malaysian Food is no-where to be seen ( T _ T ) I ate grilled chicken and chips and Dya ate nasi goreng. Ee, Faiz and Azri bought food from other stall so, I don’t know what they ate~ all I know is that it is rice with chicken.

After we had our dinner, we went to the Hall that displays the Indonesian craft stuff and there was a stage and people were sort of getting ready for something..i guess they were going to do a performance. After that we walked to the ride side of the show ground….wuhuuu!!! wuhuuu!!!

Our first ride was the Mega Drop. Contestant : Nadya Zainal, Zsa Zsa Zamahari and Fai’zzul Zaidi….Kekeke Azri was too afraid to ride with us kekeke and so, he and Ee just wait for us….Ee took the pics.

First, we go up.....further up~~~~then! we go down!

It was fun! For this ride, you would be sitting in a chair (mcm chair bah) and of course got the safety thing! Hahaha but your legs are hanging~ huhuhu When it went up, I was like “ohh shit! The view sucks!” with Faiz in between Dya and I, and he was scared/nervous or the end, I was afraid!!!! Seriously, he made me scared without even know that I was even afraid!! And lots of things just seemed to come out from my mind on our way down. I was hoping that I won’t die! When we touched the ground safe and in one piece, I was somehow relief~ huh

Then, we played the 3d Haunted House and all of us went in the 3d Haunted House. It was…err okay and somehow, I grabbed hold of Azri’s arm hahaha! The couple infront was screaming and afraid and it affected me! Hahahahahaha It was pretty stupid though but it was fun! First when we entered the place, we walked like this “tunnel of time” or something which made me a bit woozy! Then when we entered a room, there was dots..colorful dots and someone just came and walked around us and at that time, I hold Dya’s arm. Man! I’m a CHICKEN! Hahaha

Second last ride was the GRAVITRON! Contestant: Nadya Zainal, Nasri Zainal, Azri Zainurrain, Fa’izzul Zaidi and last but not least, Zsa Zsa Zamahari :) At first there was not so many people lining up for the ride, after we went in, people from outside looked at us and then people started to come. There’s a couple, both guys J they went in and when it stopped, he was dizzy and probably about to vomit! And the other guy pulled him and hold/hugged him from behind, that was because he was about to fall down or something…just by looking at him, it made me feel like I want to vormit…huhu! Bluwek!!! This ride is about GRAVITY, I think! Nahh~ I’m sure it is! See, when we entered the GRAVITRON, we would lean against the wall that is covered with cushion that can moved up and down~ then it would start to spin…I don’t really know how many miles per hour that it spins but it was so fast…you’re stucked against the wall~ and there~ when it moved so fast, I was up side down :) there were at least 5 – 6 of us in there was up side down. It was fun!! Kekeke! After the GRAVITRON, Azri didn’t even get on anymore rides. (the Gravitron was my second last ride)

After the Gravitron, Dya and Faiz ride the rollercoaster. I didn’t because I don’t feel like riding it~ hehehe and Faiz was afraid…hehehe his eyes was shut even before it started to go down the rail hehehehe :)

The last ride for this year was…………THE RANGER!!! As usual, for this ride, only Dya and I would be interested in playing this ride….. it was like uwahhhh coolness hehehe ehhh but from the Ranger, I could see a cute guy~ hahah Korean~ in the line..hahahaha! For this ride, you would be in a sit, ehh susah mok explain, just look at the pics!! :)

Then we went to eat the yummy yummy the ever so delicious CORN! I like it with butter and pepper~ yummy!!! After that, we decided to go home~~ we walked using the other path where there’s a lot of show bags stalls and at the same time, Dya was looking for her props. She was looking for a light saber kekekkeekek and I bought a bubble gun~ with annoying sounds everytime u "shoot" it huhuhuhu~ So, we walked back to Dd’s house and went home~ everybody was preetttyy much quiet in the car~ except Dya, from time to time would get a lil bit hyper hahahaha~

(for story of that day)

I’ve finally have time to update my blog was because, today(Wednesday) I had a test, macro econs, test~so actually, i was busy studying....and the exam timetable is out and about huhu~ I have ermmm 4 more weeks left for this semester! I need to study~ I mean really-really study my brains out! Anyways, I got to return to my books or my msn or my tv or my bed~ huhuhu :) and Afiq is avoiding me (i think?) marah ngan kmk kaa?

Things left to do :
Consumer Behaviour test 3
Consumer Behaviour presentation (next week)
Consumer Behaviour report
Macro-econs CAA lab test
IPA lab quiz
After that, all i have to do is study for my Finals!

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