Sunday, April 19, 2009

We Dont Do Snowboarding....We Did Sandboarding.


Reminder:I'm lazy so mind my grammar and stuff.

The final weekend.
Last weekend, I went to Lancelin with family and friends.

After this week, all of our classes starts so, no more holiday.

It took us, 2 hours and a few minutes to get there. we went to Lancelin by car. we used 2 cars. Nas's car and Shahzy's car. In Nas's car, there are Azri, Nas, Deska and I. In Shahzy's car, there are Kak Iz, Shahzy, Nora and Jon.

On our way to Lancelin, Shahzy's car made a few wrong turns, so we usually take pictures while watiting for them. *camwhore alert*

When we arrived at Lancelin, first of all we checked in and then, went for lunch at the Dunes. Then, what's left of the evening, we went sight seeing. It was nice!

We stayed at YHA, we made a few friends from German by the name of Sinje, Felix and Benjamin.We played Uno with them.

When everyone was asleep, Nas and I went to the toilet, when I looked up, the stars was scattered around, shining brightly and the view was nice and magnificent. I love it and that was the first time I truly agree with "there are million stars in the sky" and we saw the milky way too, it was brighter than before *compare to earth hour* after an hour of trying to figure out the slr camera, i finally gave up and went back to bed. I called Dya and Abu, just to asks them about the camera settings.

We went sandboarding the next day, after breakfast, we checked out from YHA and borrow the sandboarding board at a store. We spent 2 hours there. It was fun! Before we go back to Perth, Jon and Nora met up with Sinje and Felix and asked them their email address so that we can add them on facebook.

When we were waiting for Shahzy, Benjamin's honk from afar and drove so fast that I ran to the other side of the road and I waved at them *dlm palak aku sapa org bodo polah camya* Then, we took a group picture at the Lancelin entrance map.

I slept all the way through.

Lancelin 1

Lancelin 2

Lancelin 3

later days.

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