Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Zero. nada. kapish. zilch. kosong.

All Hope Is Gone
I wish that I could be everything that you hoped for.
I wish the right time would be now but I don't know if you feel the same.
I should just stop before I hurt myself especially when I'm not sure how you feel.
I wish the right time would be now but I know you don't feel a thing.
I wish that I could be everything that you ever want.
Hours, days, weeks, months goes by.
I still want to feel your presence.
I still want to feel your warmth whenever you're near.

Things that you don't know.
You make me smile when I'm sad.
You give me confidence when I feel down.
You make me laugh every time I tried to be mad.
Every time I want to find your flaw all I could ever found is perfection.
I like it when I lean against you and you give me your shoulder.
I want you to put your arms around me and pull me close.
I want everything to be just the way it is.

Just when I want to give up.
Every thing would change.
You would be you again.
I would be right back at the start.
Wanting you.
Missing you.
Waiting for you to come.
I see everything in you are beautiful.

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