Friday, June 19, 2009

Time slowly creeping.....


Now that we are towards the end of the semester, one by one of us are leaving Perth. I'll be the third person leaving. Somehow, I really do cherish this semester. It was fun, a pinch of psychotic, a sprinkle of annoyance and a big spoon of sighseeing. Overall, I wouldn't change it for the whole wide world. I guess this is how and what University life should be when you're abroad. You'll be a tourist too. (^_^)

Oh! earlier today, dad called to informed me that the parents are going to Umra' and that he wants me to take care of the house and so on. I was a bit shocked because I really can't anymore. I shouldn't say that I can't. I should say I don't want to take care of the stuff. It can be quiet tiring, especially for my age. I'm still young and I'm on my holiday break! I wanted to stay at the apartment and try to relax by myself. I did take care of everything once and having a big brother doesn't help much.

Anyways, I guess I won't be seeing the usual people in Kuching. I know I'll be so damn busy from morning til night and that's why I'm not sure if I'll be able to see them.

Later days,
Double Zee.

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