Friday, February 19, 2010


I am in my foul mood. It is bad. It is really really bad. It is about adopting someone as your brother or sister. I don't get it. Last few weeks, Als asked me to be his sister and i was in shocked. Considering that we're the same age, I said, are you crazy, we're the same age, how can we be brothers and sisters. and he said we can be twins. I said, we don't even look alike to be twins. Then, he just kept on trying to persuade me to agree on this adopting thing.

This is something that I did not tell anyone. except for Ben. For people to ask me to be their adopted sister or anything like that makes me feel that I only deserved to be people's sister, to only be treated as sister. I am not hoping or asking anything from Als. Don't get me wrong. Why can't he say, be my bestfriend Zsa? be my good friend Zsa? Instead of, Be my adopt sister Zsa?

What Ron said to me, made me feel that way. Made me feel that I only deserve to be someone's adopt sister and that there's no way in this life time that I ever gonna meet someone that would see me more than that? Do I sound desperate?

Happiness is a state of mind.

Later days,
Double Zee

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