Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heard a news from Kuching regarding my grandpa, he is sick. I heard that his kidney aren't functioning well, he can't eat anymore, he will need to use the drip thing as his source to get food or something and he have to use the oxygen tank now. I hope things going to be better but dad told me to pray. I'm kinda sad because I still remember how grandpa use to fetch us after "ngaji" and drive us around to get ice cream and tells us cousins stories about his ex-gf's.

Love is not something you have to work for. When it's the right kind of love, everything will fall into place and everything would be fun, easy, annoying at the same time and you will do things for the fun of it, even if it troubles you but never feel that you have to do so.

Later days,
Double Zee.

p/s: I have to admit I have issues when people said take care. Reminds me of someone who said it and after that, he disappears. This is why I am not in a relationship, I still got issues to settle. I guess, I'm in my worse state of life right now. We'll see who's gonna be there? lol.

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