Saturday, February 27, 2010

I am never good at losing people. Breaks up can even make me cry like crazy, what more to say if I lose one of my family member. I'm not good at losing people that matters to me. I'm lousy at it and I can't handle it like normal people because I'm not that normal like other people. (Friends said I'm extra fragile, is that true?) Losing people scares me the most, I can lose my money, I can lose all the things that anyone can ever buy or own but I can't lose my family and my close friends.

This time my instinct is so not good and I feel like I need to go back to Kuching. But the elders are telling all of us to hold on. I can't, I need to go back. If I earn my own money by now, I would go back regardless of what my dad says. Arghh!!! This is one of the thing that I don't like about being far away from my family!!! Fucking Ass Bitch!!

Later days,
Double Zee.

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